This area of the website is devoted to alternative energy projects I have designed or I am in the process of designing. These projects take a lot of time to design and document and hence the slowness of getting the information online. Part of the purpose for these projects is to help people learn how to use alternative energy which is useful if you are off the grid, wish to be a bit more independent, or just to save some money. We live in a world that seems to have increasing disasters of various kinds, so I believe its a good idea to know how to do alternative things before we have times of trouble, whether it be natural disasters or otherwise. The Boy Scouts have the motto "Be Prepared". This is a good motto and I hope these projects are of use. Please don't hesitate to email me to let me know what you think about the projects, to offer some suggestions about them or the website, or just any questions in general you have about these projects, or to tell me what you're doing for alternative energy.


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